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Understanding EyeMed Vision Benefits
EyeMed Vision customers can get in-network and out-of-network vision coverage for eye exams, retinal imagine scans, eyeglass frames and lenses. EyeMed members also gain access to educational articles about the latest coverages, options and technology advances in eye care.

EyeMed’s mission is to ensure its customers feel better and see better. When you enroll in the EyeMed Vision plan, you unlock benefits not found in other vision plans.
Here are the benefits you can expect.
What Is Covered Under EyeMed Vision?
Once you enroll with EyeMed, you can use this information to understand the details of what you pay using an in-network provider and an out-of-network provider.
Coverages With an In-Network Provider
- Exam: $10 copay
- Retinal imaging: Up to $39
- Frame: $0 copay, 20% off a balance over $130 allowance
- Single: $10 copay
- Bifocal: $10 copay
- Trifocal: $10 copay
Coverages With an Out-of-Network Provider
- Exam: Up to $40
- Retinal imaging: Not covered
- Frame: Up to $91
- Single: Up to $30
- Bifocal: Up to $45
- Trifocal: Up to $60
These amounts are illustrative only. Your actual benefits will vary depending on your plan participation. Follow this link to learn your membership benefits.
EyeMed cares about your eyes. We understand how your eyes impact your overall health. We offer vision articles for you to learn and understand what the best ways are to take care of your eyes.
We have primers about eating the right foods, how the weather impacts your eye health and many more articles to educate you on the best way to maintain your eye health.
Technology advancements also impact the world of vision. Learn how your vision — and those of your loved ones — benefits from the latest vision technology. EyeMed provides up-to-date articles for you to learn about breaking news in the vision world.
How to Sign Up for an EyeMed Account
If you are ready to become an EyeMed member follow these steps:
1. Visit eyemed.com and click on the link for Member Login
2. If you have already set up an account, and have an existing account, you can log in with your password and username. If you are setting up a new account, click on the link for ‘create a new account.’
3. If you are a new member, you will need to create a new account with a member ID, or you can use the last four digits of your social security number. Fill in the form to include your name, date of birth, member ID, or last four numbers. When this form is submitted, you will receive an email to confirm your account.
4. Once you have filled out the registration information, you will be able to set up your account. Fill in your desired password and email information. The password you choose must include one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, along with a special character or number. You are allowed to use up to 8 characters in your password. Confirm the password you’ve chosen and register. You will then have instant access to your account.
5. After you’ve entered your profile information, you will be able to manage it at any time from the “Manage Profile” link at the top-right edge of the page. From this page you can:
- Choose how to receive communications
- Opt in to receive emails about your benefits and about vision wellness updates
- Change your password
- Update your desired email information
Once you’ve made changes to your profile, you must click “Update” to save your changes.
Log in to your account can be done at any time. You can:
- View your benefit details
- Check your eligibility
- Check the status of any claim submitted
- Print your ID cards
- Locate a provider in your area
- Schedule appointments
- View your wellness and health information
How to Find an EyeMed Vision Provider
Finding an EyeMed Vision Provider is easy. Follow this link to search and follow these tips.
- Search for an EyeMed eye doctor
- You can use the drop-down list to see if your eye doctor is listed. If you don’t know your network, you can click on the ‘I don’t know’ field and EyeMed will help you locate a provider.
- Enter your 5-digit zip code, or the ‘Use my location’ link and EyeMed will help you search.
- The filters provided will help in your search for brands, hours, specific locations, specific technology, and more.
- You can search for a specific eye doctor or retailer by clicking on “Search by doctor” to learn if your doctor is within the network.
Understand EyeMed’s vision benefits. (2022). Eye Site on Wellness.
eye med. EyeMed Vision Care.
Find an eye doctor. EyeMed Vision Care.
Healthy Vision. (2022). Eye Site on Wellness.
Vision Technology. (2022). Eye Site on Wellness.
Last Updated April 4, 2022
Note: This page should not serve as a substitute for professional medical advice from a doctor or specialist. Please review our about page for more information.