
Our mission is to help you make the best decisions about your vision health.

Today there is so much conflicting information available about what to do and not to do for your best eye health. There are countless opinions on what brands, procedures, and products are best making it difficult to determine what makes the most sense for you. At we work to give you the facts and leave our opinions out of it.

With fact-based information on eye care and eye health, eye conditions and treatment options, vision correction and eye surgery (like LASIK, Cataracts, and PRK), glasses, contacts, and more, we strive to be your one-stop-shop for all your vision needs.

Meet Our Panel of Eye Care Experts

With decades of combined experience in all things eye health our medical review team is here because of their expertise but also their passion for helping individuals take control of their vision and eye health.

Tom Tooma M.D.

Tom Tooma, M.D. - Ophthalmologist, Refractive Surgeon & Founder of NVISION Eye Centers

dagny zhu md

Dagny Zhu M.D. - Ophthalmologist & Refractive Surgeon at NVISION Eye Centers

max parikh

Max Parikh M.D. - Ophthalmologist & Refractive Surgeon at NVISION Eye Centers

Our Editorial Standards

All content published on our site is medically-reviewed by licensed optometrists and ophthalmologists, opticians, and healthcare professionals, to ensure that you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information available. All articles use the highest quality sources including but not limited to recent medical studies and scientific research, scholarly articles, government agencies, and medical journals.

Funding for our site does not influence the content, information, or reviews provided.

Our medical-review process is designed to ensure our content is:


We do not make claims that are not backed by authoritative sources such as national and global health organizations, doctors associations, medical journals, peer-reviewed studies, or leading universities.


We have a process of review that ensures our articles are updated regularly to ensure that our readers are receiving the most current information available.


Our thorough review process serves as a fact-check to ensure that the sources and information we are presenting is not only accurate but of the highest quality.

Our Team

At we want to make it as easy as possible for you to view the information you need to make decisions about your eye health. Our team is here to ensure that you can get the information you need as quickly and easily as possible.

Get in Touch

We want to hear from you. If you have an idea for a topic, a question about how we work, or just want to discuss something related to your eye health we are here to help.

You can also reach us at our address 75 Enterprise STE 275, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656.

Editorial Inquiries

Want to submit an idea or article for consideration? Have an idea of how we can improve our content? Great!

Outreach Coordinator

Interested in getting in touch with a member of our team or looking to collaborate? We are excited to hear from you!

All Other Questions

We want to hear from you. Not sure who to reach out to? Reach out to us here.

Not sure if you're a candidate for LASIK?