Get in touch with Paul A Kremer, MD today.
Paul A Kremer, MD
3260 NW Mt Vintage Way,
About Paul A Kremer, MD
- Ophthalmology Group Practice
- MD - Univ Washington 1988
- Boston Univ Sch of Med 1989 - 1992
- CA Pacific Med Ctr 1992 - 1993
Board Certification
- American Board Ophthalmology 2005
- American Board Ophthalmology 1994
- American Board Ophthalmology 2015
- Prior to 1992, ABO re-certification was not required.
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Patients are talking about:
Experts in eye care
Highly rated surgical results
Efficient post-operative care
Concerns about wait times

Patients are talking about:
Highly skilled surgeons
Complex cases handled well
Successful surgical outcomes
Poor customer service
Billing misunderstandings
Inadequate cleanliness

Patients are talking about:
Mixed review
Likable staff
Communication issues
Unprofessionalism from surgeons
Successful surgical outcomes
Long wait times

Patients are talking about:
Mixed surgical outcomes
Potential overbooking
Inconsistent communication
High professional conduct
Notable surgical expertise
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2655 Wheaton Way, Bremerton, WA, 98310 (6 mi)
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1455 Leary Way NW, Ste 300, Seattle, WA, 98107 (15 mi)
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Surgeon Specialties
Cornea/External Disease
Refractive Surgery
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Patients are talking about:
Experts in eye care
Highly rated surgical results
Efficient post-operative care
Concerns about wait times

Patients are talking about:
Highly skilled surgeons
Complex cases handled well
Successful surgical outcomes
Poor customer service
Billing misunderstandings
Inadequate cleanliness

Patients are talking about:
Mixed review
Likable staff
Communication issues
Unprofessionalism from surgeons
Successful surgical outcomes
Long wait times

Patients are talking about:
Mixed surgical outcomes
Potential overbooking
Inconsistent communication
High professional conduct
Notable surgical expertise
K Scott Sorensen MD
2655 Wheaton Way, Bremerton, WA, 98310 (6 mi)
More Info about K Scott Sorensen MDBrant F Carroll MD
1455 Leary Way NW, Ste 300, Seattle, WA, 98107 (15 mi)
More Info about Brant F Carroll MDDaniel O Benson MD
8665 Landing Ln SE, Port Orchard, WA, 98367 (15 mi)
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