Eye Conditions & Diseases: What You Need to Know About the Most Common Vision Issues
You and your family members can encounter any number of eye conditions and diseases through the course of a lifetime. Dry eye, pink eye, styes and floaters are among the most common that eye doctors treat.
A few other common disorders are more serious, including refractive errors, glaucoma and a detached retina.
It is unfortunate, but it is a fact: our eyes deteriorate naturally as we age. All the conditions we list here should prompt you to make an appointment with your eye doctor. Although solutions for them are sometimes routine, you will want to put a professional treatment plan in place.

Double Vision (Diplopia): Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Double vision refers to seeing two images of one object at the same time. Duplicate images can manifest vertical to each other, horizontal or diagonal. You can have double vision, or diplopia, in one or both eyes. The primary cause of diplopia is a malfunction of the extraocular muscles. Intro Double vision is a condition […]

Retinoschisis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More
Retinoschisis is an eye defect that occurs when your retina splits into different layers. It is one of the eye conditions that you can be born with or one that can develop because of aging. Retinoschisis can affect vision affected in various ways, from farsightedness to cysts on the eye to bleeding in the eye. […]

Hemianopia: Types, Causes, Treatment and More
Hemianopia is an eye condition that describes losing half of your field of vision because of damage to the optic nerve in the brain. Sight loss can occur in either eye or it can occur in both eyes at once. Among the causes are diagnosed cases of multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and dementia. […]

Mydriasis (Pupil Dilation): Causes, Treatment and More
Dilated pupils, a condition called mydriasis, can be the result several interactions. The most common are side effects from prescription medications and the use of mydriatic eye drops by eye doctors preparing for a full eye examination. A rush of adrenaline, use of some illicit drugs and a surge of the hormone oxytocin can also […]

Eyelash Mites: Signs, Causes, and Treatments
Eyelash mites are normal parasites for the human body, but they cause issues in one specific body part: eyelashes. Mites grip hair follicles at the base of the eyelash. Someone with mites typically does not know it unless the number of mites is unusually large. The mites feed on oily skin, dead skin cells and […]

How Do Allergies Affect the Eyes?
Your eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body, so they are vulnerable to anything that may cause pain. Just like the rest of the body, your eyes are susceptible to allergic reactions. You will agree that few things are more irritating than red, itchy, watery, burning and puffy eyes. The most […]

Blindness: Types, Causes, Risk Factor and More
Blindness is the inability to see with one’s eyes. Partial blindness refers to various levels of vision impairment, while total blindness refers to complete vision loss. Blindness can be the result of an injury, an underlying disease or a congenital disability. Treating eye diseases that lead to blindness can often prevent this outcome. Recognizing early […]

Conjunctival Cysts (Eyeball Cysts): Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Conjunctival cysts are small, fluid-filled sacs that form on the conjunctiva, a thin membrane inside the eyelid that covers the white part of the eyeball. Caused by various eye irritations (smoke, too much eye rubbing, or an eye injury), conjunctival cysts are typically harmless and painless. They usually dissipate on their own but sometimes require […]

Eye Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Eye strain is a condition that occurs when a person engages in vision-intensive tasks for prolonged periods of time without breaks and without changing eye focus. Routine tasks that can lead to eye strain include reading, driving for long distances, or working on a computer. Eye strain it is not considered a serious vision issue, […]

Refractive Amblyopia: Everything You Need to Know
Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is a medical condition that makes it difficult to see clearly through one eye because of abnormal development of that eye during childhood. The condition results in a wandering eye. What causes of amblyopia is a refractive error in the bad eye, either nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Intro Amblyopia is a […]

Convergence Insufficiency
Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a vision condition that causes blurry or double vision and prevents you from focusing on up-close objects. The condition negatively affects reading and concentration. Treatments include eyeglasses, eye exercises, surgery and Botox injections. What Is Convergence Insufficiency? While each eye forms an image when you look at an object, you see a […]

Corneal Abrasion (Scratched Eye): Symptoms, Risks and Treatment
Corneal abrasions are eye injuries from a foreign object that touches your eye and scratches the cornea. Most scratches clear up in one or two days without treatment, but deeper ones need a weak to heal. These injuries rarely lead to long-term vision issues. What Are Corneal Abrasions? Corneal abrasions are eye injuries that occur […]