Get in touch with Amit Todani MD today.
Amit Todani MD
30 Man-Mar Dr,
Ste 6, Plainville,
About Amit Todani MD
- Ophthalmology Group Practice
- Hospital/Healthcare System
- MD - Nilratan Sircar Med Col 2002
- Regional Institute of Ophth 2003 - 2005
- Albany Medical College 2010 - 2013
- Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary 2007 - 2009
Board Certification
- American Board Ophthalmology 2014
- Prior to 1992, ABO re-certification was not required.
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Patients are talking about:
successful treatments
skillful surgeons
compassionate care
poor customer service
alleged illegal activities
mixed surgical outcomes

Patients are talking about:
Skilled surgeons
Expert clinical care
Poor customer service
Long waiting times
Scheduling errors
Inefficient administration
Concerns over billing

Patients are talking about:
High patient satisfaction
Skilled and personable professionals
State-of-the-art facility
Thorough exams
Successful surgeries
Efficient staff
300 Congress St,
Ste 201, Quincy,
02169 (22 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, Cross-linking

Patients are talking about:
Mixed feedback from patients
Concerns over billing transparency
Reported long waiting times
Perceived rushed consultations
Positive surgical outcomes
Elliot M Perlman MD
150 E Manning St, Providence, RI, 02906 (13 mi)
More Info about Elliot M Perlman MDSurgeon Specialties
Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Refractive Surgery
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Patients are talking about:
successful treatments
skillful surgeons
compassionate care
poor customer service
alleged illegal activities
mixed surgical outcomes

Patients are talking about:
Skilled surgeons
Expert clinical care
Poor customer service
Long waiting times
Scheduling errors
Inefficient administration
Concerns over billing

Patients are talking about:
High patient satisfaction
Skilled and personable professionals
State-of-the-art facility
Thorough exams
Successful surgeries
Efficient staff
300 Congress St,
Ste 201, Quincy,
02169 (22 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, Cross-linking

Patients are talking about:
Mixed feedback from patients
Concerns over billing transparency
Reported long waiting times
Perceived rushed consultations
Positive surgical outcomes
Elliot M Perlman MD
150 E Manning St, Providence, RI, 02906 (13 mi)
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