Eye Conditions & Diseases: What You Need to Know About the Most Common Vision Issues
You and your family members can encounter any number of eye conditions and diseases through the course of a lifetime. Dry eye, pink eye, styes and floaters are among the most common that eye doctors treat.
A few other common disorders are more serious, including refractive errors, glaucoma and a detached retina.
It is unfortunate, but it is a fact: our eyes deteriorate naturally as we age. All the conditions we list here should prompt you to make an appointment with your eye doctor. Although solutions for them are sometimes routine, you will want to put a professional treatment plan in place.

Uveitis Guide: Types, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Uveitis is a serious eye condition characterized by inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of tissue in your eye. There are four types of uveitis, distinguished by the part of the uvea they affect. Symptoms include eye pain, redness and loss of vision. Left untreated, uveitis can lead to serious complications, including glaucoma, retinal […]

Dilated Pupils & Pupil Dilation: Causes & What to Do
Having dilated pupils, or larger-than-normal pupils, can signal a serious head or eye injury. Or it can be a sign of an impending romantic or sexual encounter. The causes of eye dilation also include medicated eye drops from the eye doctor prior to an eye exam, non-eye-related prescription medications and recreational drug use. Most cases […]

Xanthelasma are soft, yellowish patches that form on or near the eyelids. The lesions often form in people who have high cholesterol or high lipid (fat) levels in the blood. They are the most common subtype of xanthoma, which are cholesterol deposits that can present in any part of the body. Researchers do not know […]

Treatment for a Black Eye: Home Remedies, Products, and More
Typical treatment for black eyes starts with ice or cold compresses, followed later by hot compresses, and medication that will stem pain and reduce swelling. Black eyes are the result of blunt force or trauma around the eye socket, including to the nose. The blackness is bruising or an accumulation of blood around the socket, […]

Visible Veins In and Under Eyes
Visible veins and blood vessels can develop underneath the eyes and in the eyes. Causes include extreme dryness, foreign debris or bleeding. Aging is a primary factor for prominent veins around the lower eyelids. You’re also more likely to experience visible blood vessels if you have a fair skin tone. You can delay the appearance […]

Periorbital Cellulitis
Periorbital cellulitis is an infection of eyelid tissues and of skin around the eye. Although people of all ages can get this condition, it is more common in children than adults. Symptoms usually occur to one eye only, and the most common symptom is inflammation of the eyelid or surrounding skin as well as changing […]

Internal Hordeolum (Stye): Symptoms, Complications, Treatment, and More
An internal hordeolum is an infection in a gland inside or under the eyelid. You usually notice it because it feels like an irritant in your eye, such as an eyelash or a piece of dirt. They are caused by bacterial infections. Healing time usually takes about two weeks, and the infection typically drains on […]

Dilated Pupils: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Dilated pupils are pupils that are larger than normal. Dilation is not a natural state for your eyes, and it usually happens because of eye drops given prior to an eye examination. Pupils will also dilate, or grow large, under poorly lit conditions. But pupils can also dilate because of a trauma or injury, particularly […]

Eye Floaters: What Are They, Causes, and Treatment
Everyone has experienced something that floats across their field of vision, at some point in their lives, even though in reality the object doesn’t exist. Shapes appear when staring at a blank wall or the sky. Even attempting to shake your head to clear your vision, the floaters don’t disappear. When you move your eyes, […]

Eye Stye (Sty): What Is it? Causes & Treatment
A stye is a red, tender lump that forms around the edge of your eyelid. While sties result from bacterial infections of the oil-secreting glands in the eyelids, you can develop this condition even with optimum eye care. Anyone can develop a stye, making it a relatively common condition. Typically, they occur on the outer […]

Eye Pain: Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatments
The official medical term for eye pain is ophthalmalgia, a common occurrence in many local ocular and systemic conditions. While pain can be mild and resolve without treatment in many instances, some episodes of pain are severe and require immediate medical attention. The intensity and nature of ocular discomfort usually vary depending on the part […]

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a transparent membrane that forms a lining in the eyelid and covers the white part of the eyeball. Inflammation causes the affected eye to appear reddish or pink. Viral conjunctivitis is the most common cause of conjunctivitis, an inflammation in the membrane that […]