LASIK Specialists / NC / Hickory
LASIK Eye Surgery in Hickory, NC
Browse our listings of the best LASIK eye surgery providers in Hickory, NC to find a provider that matches your needs. provides the largest online database of LASIK surgeons on the web, helping you to evaluate the quality, reputation, and costs of each provider.
Vision lasts a lifetime and choosing a provider can be overwhelming. It's our mission to help you find the best LASIK eye surgery in Hickory, NC.
LASIK Eye Surgery and Surgeons Near Hickory, NC

Graystone Eye

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335 E Parker Rd, Morganton, NC, 28655 (19 mi)
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16610 Birkdale Commons Pkwy, Huntersville, NC, 28078 (32 mi)
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610 State Farm Rd, Ste A, Boone, NC, 28607 (37 mi)
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3230 Prosperity Church Rd, Ste 101A, Charlotte, NC, 28269 (41 mi)
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201 Le Phillip Ct NE, Concord, NC, 28025 (46 mi)
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135 S Sharon Amity Rd, Ste 100, Charlotte, NC, 28211 (49 mi)
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135 S Sharon Amity Rd, Charlotte, NC, 28211 (49 mi)
More Info about Hunter S Stolldorf MDFrequently Asked Questions
How do I find the best Hickory LASIK provider?
When looking for the best LASIK provider in Hickory, focus on providers with a lot of experience. Often, LASIK surgeons will list the number of procedures they’ve performed, and ideally, this number is in the thousands. Some surgeons have completed tens of thousands of surgeries.
Confirm the provider meets industry standards and has the appropriate credentials. Read reviews of former patients to assess others’ overall experience with the provider.
Be wary of any provider that makes promises that seem too good to be true. Quality LASIK providers will tell you what they expect from your procedure, but no reputable provider will guarantee a specific result, such as 20/10 vision.
How much does LASIK eye surgery cost in Hickory?
In the U.S, LASIK costs between $2,000 and $4,000 per eye, depending on the complexity of the procedure, technology used and the experience of the surgeon. On average, patients can expect to pay between $2,500 and $3,000 per eye.
While LASIK tends to be cheaper in rural areas, be cautious of any provider that offers prices that are substantially lower than the competition. It’s often a sign that they are not experienced, using outdated technology or perhaps not fully transparent on their pricing.
Check with your insurance provider to see if they have any LASIK discount programs, where you can save money if you go with particular providers.
Does insurance cover LASIK eye surgery in Hickory?
LASIK is not generally covered by insurance since it is considered an elective, or cosmetic, procedure. Many insurance providers offer LASIK discount programs where policyholders can enjoy substantial savings on LASIK when they work with surgeons in their network.
Are there additional financing options for LASIK in Hickory?
Many LASIK providers offer some sort of financing plan to their patients. In most cases, they partner with a medical financing provider to offer patients very low rates, often as low as 0% for up to 24 months. Ask your LASIK surgeon if this is an option.
Are there free LASIK consultations in Hickory?
Yes, many LASIK providers offer free consultations. In most cases, the LASIK consultation is bundled into the total price of the procedure, so you aren’t charged separately for it. During this consultation, your surgeon will assess your candidacy for LASIK by reviewing your refractive error, taking measurements of your eyes, and asking about your medical history.
How can I schedule a consultation in Hickory?
Once you’ve narrowed your search down to one or two providers in Hickory, contact their offices directly to set up a consultation. Many LASIK providers have easy tools on their websites that allow you to schedule. You can also phone them directly.
What should I expect during my LASIK consultation in Hickory?
During your LASIK consultation in Hickory, you’ll have a comprehensive eye exam, including assessment of your refractive error. The eye care professionals will take detailed measurements and scans of your eyes, as they assess your overall candidacy for the procedure.
Staff members will also go over your medical history thoroughly, so expect questions about your overall health, eye health, and lifestyle. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about LASIK and what you can expect during and following the surgery.
How can I find the best LASIK surgeon near me in Hickory?
You can start by checking with any friends and family who have had successful LASIK surgeries. Then, search for local LASIK surgeons in Hickory who have a solid amount of positive reviews. Take note of how much experience they have, including the total number of LASIK surgeries they’ve performed. You want a surgeon who has done a substantial number of procedures.
If you have vision insurance, your insurance provider may have a list of recommended or preferred providers. They may offer a discount off the total price of LASIK when you use one of the providers in their LASIK discount program, so it’s worth looking into this option first.