
James C Loden MD

4.6 (47)
1900 Church St, Nashville, TN, 37203
Map of James C Loden MD

James C Loden MD Reviews

James C Loden MD Aggregate Rating

based on 47 reviews from around the web

Most Common Trends in James C Loden MD Reviews

Excellent surgical outcomes
Effective cataract removal
Highly skilled surgeons
Professional staff
Successful LASIK procedures
Advanced surgical technology
Efficient post-operative care

Patients are talking about:

  • Many patients noted a significant improvement in their vision following surgeries, particularly those who underwent cataract removal or LASIK
  • Patients largely appreciated the professional and attentive care from the staff, contributing to a positive overall medical experience
  • The facilities were recognized for their modern surgical technologies, boosting successful recovery rates

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Refractive Surgery Services

Custom LASIK
Monovision LASIK
Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)
Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE)
Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL)
Corneal Cross-linking
Intacs Corneal Implant
Lifestyle Lenses

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