Eye Conditions
Macular Degeneration: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Macular degeneration is a common but painless eye condition that results from the deterioration of the macula, or the central part of the retina. The macula, a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye, is responsible for central or straight-ahead vision, which provides the ability to see fine detail in your direct […]
Open-angle Glaucoma: Risk Factors, Signs, Causes, and Treatment
Open-angle glaucoma occurs when an eye is unable to drain fluid as effectively as it should despite the drainage angle remaining open. With the fluid not draining fast enough, increased pressure inside the eye can damage the optic nerve. The heightened pressure wreaks havoc slowly. First it causes a loss of one’s progressive peripheral vision, […]
Treatment for Presbyopia
Presbyopia occurs when your eyes gradually lose their ability to see up-close things clearly, a common and a highly treatable condition. Corrective treatments start with prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses and surgery. Treatments usually address the key symptoms of the condition, which include blurriness, and tired eyes Another symptom is when you start holding things farther […]
Presbyopia: Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment
Presbyopia is a common vision defect that mainly occurs in old age. It refers to the gradual loss of the ability of the eyes to focus on nearby objects. The condition becomes more apparent in the early to mid-40s and deteriorates until about age 65. According to the Community Eye Health Journal, the prevalence of […]
Myopia Testing (Nearsightedness)
Eye doctors diagnose myopia, or nearsightedness, with several procedures to measure the light focus of the eyes. The tests also help determine the power of any prescription lenses you may need to correct your poor vision. Myopia is a visual impairment that makes objects at a distance appear blurred. Early detection is crucial to restoring […]
Nearsightedness (Myopia): Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Myopia is a visual disorder in which the affected person can clearly see objects that are closer to them but has difficulty seeing objects that are further away, thus the term nearsightedness. This condition has a familial link in many instances. It can either appear gradually or progress rapidly. Over a quarter of the entire […]
Testing for Astigmatism and What Comes Next
Astigmatism is a common refractive eyesight error, affecting up to a third of Americans. Most people with astigmatism do not experience symptoms because their condition is so mild. But if you have blurry vision with eye strain or headaches, astigmatism could be the cause. A comprehensive eye exam is the gold standard for testing for astigmatism, […]
Is There a Cure for Astigmatism?
Astigmatism is a common eye condition characterized by blurry vision. Most people have at least a mild astigmatism and do not require any treatment. But if the issue is serious enough to warrant a trip to the eye doctor, corrective lenses can sharpen the vision and reduce eye discomfort. It is not a cure, but […]
What is Astigmatism? Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Astigmatism is a vision problem that results from an irregular curvature of the cornea or the lens. The eye is usually spherical in people with normal vision. The cornea, the clear front part of the eye, has a regular semi-circular curvature while the lens is biconvex or semi-circular on both sides. In someone who has […]
Causes and Treatment of Brown Spots on Eyes (Nevi)
Brown spots (sometimes called nevi) can appear in almost every part of your eye. You may notice them in your iris, dotting your normally blue eyes brown. Or you may notice them in the sclera, changing the white of your eyes to a polka-dot brown. Most brown spots are benign, but your doctor may choose […]
Eye Stye (Sty): What Is it? Causes & Treatment
A stye is a red, tender lump that forms around the edge of your eyelid. While sties result from bacterial infections of the oil-secreting glands in the eyelids, you can develop this condition even with optimum eye care. Anyone can develop a stye, making it a relatively common condition. Typically, they occur on the outer […]
Dry Eyes & Blurry Vision: Causes, Connection, and Treatment
Dry eye is one of the most common ocular surface diseases, affecting up to 16 million Americans. It stems from either inadequate tear production or the secretion of poor-quality tears. Lack of necessary lubrication leads to discomfort and vision problems, one of which is almost always blurry vision. Dry eye syndrome presents with an uncomfortable, […]