Eye Conditions & Diseases: What You Need to Know About the Most Common Vision Issues
You and your family members can encounter any number of eye conditions and diseases through the course of a lifetime. Dry eye, pink eye, styes and floaters are among the most common that eye doctors treat.
A few other common disorders are more serious, including refractive errors, glaucoma and a detached retina.
It is unfortunate, but it is a fact: our eyes deteriorate naturally as we age. All the conditions we list here should prompt you to make an appointment with your eye doctor. Although solutions for them are sometimes routine, you will want to put a professional treatment plan in place.

Ocular Albinism: What It Is & How It Affects Vision
Ocular albinism is a genetic condition of the eyes, in which pigmentation in the iris is reduced. Also referred to as X-linked ocular albinism, ocular albinism predominantly affects males. Symptoms are detectable at a very young age, sometimes during infancy. This condition results in anywhere from mild to extreme light sensitivity and a reduction in […]

How to Get Rid of a Pimple or Bump on the Eyelid: Causes & Treatment
Bumps on eyelids are often mistaken for pimples, but they are usually eye conditions such as styes or chalazia. A stye and a chalazion will go away on their own and will not lead to other eye ailments. An individual can speed up the healing process by applying a warm compress, which can be done […]

Types of Eye Floaters
These are the main types of eye floaters: Weiss ring floaters Diffuse floaters Cobweb or fibrous strand floaters What Are Eye Floaters? Eye floaters are small obstructions across the span of your visual field. They can take a range of different shapes and forms, commonly appearing as darkish spots, lines, or patterns. This phenomenon is […]

Bubble on Eyeball: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
A bubble on the eyeball can look like a blister or bump on the surface of the eye. They may arise from a variety of causes. Bubbles or bumps may be white, yellow, or clear, or they may like a freckle. They come in various sizes and shapes, and they can indicate different medical conditions. […]

Eye Boogers: Types, Causes & How to Get Rid of Them
Eye boogers is a common term for excess mucus building up in the eyes. This is natural and typically not a cause for concern. Most people produce discharge from the eyes in tiny quantities and do not find it bothersome. If there is a change in health or lifestyle, you may notice that your eyes […]

Eye Parasite Floaters (Toxoplasmosis): Causes, Prevention & Treatment
Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease that reproduces within cats, but the disease can also harm vulnerable human populations. The disease is treated with medications that reduce the severity of the infection. Eye floaters are sometimes a symptom of the parasitic infection. What Is Toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the Toxoplasma gondii (T gondii) […]

Blepharitis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Blepharitis occurs when the eyelids become irritated and inflamed. This may result in swollen, red eyelids that can cause an uncomfortable stinging or burning sensation along with crusty eyelashes. Watery or overly dry eyes, sensitivity to light, and blurry vision are also common side effects. Several diseases, skin conditions, and other factors can cause blepharitis. […]

Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy: Causes, Treatment & More
Vitelliform macular dystrophy is a rare, inherited eye disorder that can cause progressive loss of central vision and lead to blindness. The disorder affects the cells in an area near the center of the retina known as the macula. People with the disease can develop a yellow fatty pigment in the macula that damages the […]

White Bumps Under Skin (Milia): Causes & Treatment
Milia are small white bumps that can develop all over the body, but they are most common on the face, specifically under and around the eyes. Although they resemble tiny pimples, milia are caused by dead skin cells being trapped underneath new healthy skin, resulting in the small bumps. People of any age can develop […]

Scotoma (Blind Spot in Vision): Types, Causes & Treatment
Scotoma is a blind spot that partially obstructs vision. It is localized and does not impact other areas of the visual field. This condition results in the appearance of a blurry or dark spot within the visual field or a blinking light within a single spot in the eye. Types of Scotoma There are three […]

Bulging Eyes (Exophthalmos or Proptosis): Causes & Treatment
Bulging eyeballs are also known as exophthalmos or proptosis. This is a medical condition that can affect one or both eyes. It is most commonly caused by a rare disease called thyroid eye disease. Since this condition can create compression of the optic nerve, it is essential to get immediate treatment. Left untreated, it can […]

Graves’ Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Graves’ disease affects about 1 in every 200 people, making it one of the most common thyroid disorders. The disorder is caused by a malfunctioning immune system, but the reason this occurs is unknown. Symptoms include rapid heartbeat, weight loss, intestinal issues, sweatiness, anxiety, and shakiness. While Graves’ disease has no cure, it can be […]