Get in touch with Richard S Witlin MD today.
Richard S Witlin MD
385 NJ-18,
Ste H, East Brunswick,
About Richard S Witlin MD
- Multispecialty Group Practice
- MD - Albert Einstein Coll of Med/Montefiore MC 1975
- Albany Medical College 1975 - 1979
Board Certification
- American Board Ophthalmology 1980
- Prior to 1992, ABO re-certification was not required.
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Patients are talking about:
Focus on surgical excellence
Highly skilled staff
Varied patient experience
Occasional scheduling issues
Sporadic unsatisfactory surgical outcomes
Communication concerns
Billing and customer service complaints

Patients are talking about:
Outstanding clinical skills
Excellent patient communication
Effective medical procedures
Subpar office management


485 US Hwy 1,
08830 (8.7 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, RLE, ICL, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle

Patients are talking about:
skilled surgeons
unresponsive scheduling staff
unexpected charges
lack of clear information post-surgery
limitations in certain surgical outcomes
Jaime Santamaria II MD
104 Market St, Perth Amboy, NJ, 08861 (7.9 mi)
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723 N Beers St, Ste 1C, Holmdel, NJ, 07733 (11 mi)
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733 N Beers St, Ste U4, Holmdel, NJ, 07733 (11 mi)
More Info about Jason I Steinfeld MDSurgeon Specialties
Cataract/Anterior Segment
Refractive Surgery
Nearby Providers

Patients are talking about:
Focus on surgical excellence
Highly skilled staff
Varied patient experience
Occasional scheduling issues
Sporadic unsatisfactory surgical outcomes
Communication concerns
Billing and customer service complaints

Patients are talking about:
Outstanding clinical skills
Excellent patient communication
Effective medical procedures
Subpar office management


485 US Hwy 1,
08830 (8.7 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, RLE, ICL, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle

Patients are talking about:
skilled surgeons
unresponsive scheduling staff
unexpected charges
lack of clear information post-surgery
limitations in certain surgical outcomes
Jaime Santamaria II MD
104 Market St, Perth Amboy, NJ, 08861 (7.9 mi)
More Info about Jaime Santamaria II MDHarry John Coniaris MD
723 N Beers St, Ste 1C, Holmdel, NJ, 07733 (11 mi)
More Info about Harry John Coniaris MDJason I Steinfeld MD
733 N Beers St, Ste U4, Holmdel, NJ, 07733 (11 mi)
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