Get in touch with Patrick K Chin MD today.
Patrick K Chin MD
698 Westwood Ave.,
River Vale,
About Patrick K Chin MD
- Ophthalmology Group Practice
- MD - Rutgers New Jersey Medical School 1989
- New York Univ 1991 - 1994
- Gimbel Eye Ctr Foundation 1994 - 1995
Board Certification
- American Board Ophthalmology 1996
- American Board Ophthalmology 2007
- Prior to 1992, ABO re-certification was not required.
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1 Ridgewood Ave W,
Ste 204, Paramus,
07652 (4.5 mi)
Custom Lasik, PRK, Intacs, Lifestyle

Patients are talking about:
Life-changing procedure
Immediate vision improvement
Skillful and friendly surgeons
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LASIK, Custom Lasik, PRK, ICL
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300 Fairview Ave, Westwood, NJ, 07675 (1.5 mi)
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625 Franklin Turnpike, Ridgewood, NJ, 07450 (4.8 mi)
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Cataract/Anterior Segment
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Patients are talking about:
Highly skilled and professional doctors
Efficient and courteous staff
Thorough eye examinations
Modern and clean offices
Advanced medical equipment

1 Ridgewood Ave W,
Ste 204, Paramus,
07652 (4.5 mi)
Custom Lasik, PRK, Intacs, Lifestyle

Patients are talking about:
Life-changing procedure
Immediate vision improvement
Skillful and friendly surgeons
Supportive staff
Temporary discomfort post-surgery
1 Kalisa Way,
Ste 209, Paramus,
07652 (4.5 mi)
LASIK, Custom Lasik, PRK, ICL
Visit Website

Patients are talking about:
Exceptional surgical outcomes
High patient satisfaction
Experienced surgeons
Improved vision quality
Swift recovery period
Personalized patient care
Cutting-edge technology
Michael S Fleischer MD
300 Fairview Ave, Westwood, NJ, 07675 (1.5 mi)
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1 N Washington Ave, Bergenfield, NJ, 07621 (4.7 mi)
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625 Franklin Turnpike, Ridgewood, NJ, 07450 (4.8 mi)
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