Get in touch with Mitchel Wong MD today.
About Mitchel Wong MD
- Ophthalmology Group Practice
- MD - Baylor Coll of Med/Cullen Eye Inst 1964
- Baylor Coll of Med/Cullen Eye Inst 1966 - 1969
- Baylor Coll of Med/Cullen Eye Inst 1965 - 1966
Board Certification
- American Board Ophthalmology 1965
- Prior to 1992, ABO re-certification was not required.
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5717 Balcones Dr,
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Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, RLE, ICL, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle

3410 Far West Blvd,
Ste 140, Austin,
78731 (4.3 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, ICL, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle

Patients are talking about:
Effective communication
Successful medical outcomes
High recovery rates
Positive patient feedback
Professionally run clinic
901 S Mo-Pac Expy,
Ste 350, Austin,
78746 (4.4 mi)
Custom Lasik, PRK, RLE, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle

Patients are talking about:
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5717 Balcones Dr, Austin, TX, 78731 (3.6 mi)
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901 S MoPac Expy, IV350, Austin, TX, 78746 (4.3 mi)
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Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Refractive Surgery
Nearby Providers

Patients are talking about:
Highly competent physicians
Effective treatments
Modern surgical technology
Excellent glasses and contact lens fitting
5717 Balcones Dr,
78731 (3.6 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, RLE, ICL, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle

3410 Far West Blvd,
Ste 140, Austin,
78731 (4.3 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, ICL, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle

Patients are talking about:
Effective communication
Successful medical outcomes
High recovery rates
Positive patient feedback
Professionally run clinic
901 S Mo-Pac Expy,
Ste 350, Austin,
78746 (4.4 mi)
Custom Lasik, PRK, RLE, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle

Patients are talking about:
Expert surgeons with successful medical outcomes.
Frequent incidents of prolonged waiting times.
Administrative issues, particularly around communication and billing.
Thomas R Walters MD
5717 Balcones Dr, Austin, TX, 78731 (3.6 mi)
More Info about Thomas R Walters MDSteven J Dell MD
901 S MoPac Expy, IV350, Austin, TX, 78746 (4.3 mi)
More Info about Steven J Dell MDHave a Suggestion? Is This Your Business?
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