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Michael C Yang MD

250 N Robertson Blvd, Ste 102, Beverly Hills, CA, 90211
32 years practicing
Map of Michael C Yang MD

About Michael C Yang MD


  • Multispecialty Group Practice


  • MD - UCLA Jules Stein Eye Inst 1986


  • UCLA Jules Stein Eye Inst 1987 - 1990

Board Certification

  • American Board Ophthalmology 1992
  • American Board Ophthalmology 2003
  • Prior to 1992, ABO re-certification was not required.

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Patients are talking about:
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Extraordinarily skilled surgeon
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9001 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 306, Beverly Hills, CA, 90211 (0.3 mi)
Custom Lasik, PRK, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle
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Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, ICL, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle
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8635 W 3rd St, Ste 390, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 (0.3 mi)

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