Get in touch with Jan H Nyboer MD today.
Jan H Nyboer MD
9350 Independence Dr,
About Jan H Nyboer MD
- Solo Practice
- MD - Wayne State Univ/Kresge Eye Inst 1969
- MS - Educational Institution 1965
- Mayo Clinic 1973 - 1976
Board Certification
- American Board Ophthalmology 1977
- Prior to 1992, ABO re-certification was not required.
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Patients are talking about:
Outstanding service
Professional and caring staff
Clear and successful outcomes
Improved vision
Efficient process
Advanced surgical technology
Excellent post-operative care
Concerns over communication
Unwanted religious aspects
235 E 8th Ave,
Ste 3A, Anchorage,
99501 (5.6 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, RLE, ICL, Intacs

Patients are talking about:
Skilled surgeons
Advanced surgical technology
Highly effective LASIK and cataract surgeries
Excellent post-operative care
Improved visual acuity
Positive patient feedback

Eric W Coulter MD
235 E 8th Ave, Ste 3A, Anchorage, AK, 99501 (5.6 mi)
More Info about Eric W Coulter MDSurgeon Specialties
Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Refractive Surgery
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AnchorageNearby Providers

Patients are talking about:
Outstanding service
Professional and caring staff
Clear and successful outcomes
Improved vision
Efficient process
Advanced surgical technology
Excellent post-operative care
Concerns over communication
Unwanted religious aspects
235 E 8th Ave,
Ste 3A, Anchorage,
99501 (5.6 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, RLE, ICL, Intacs

Patients are talking about:
Skilled surgeons
Advanced surgical technology
Highly effective LASIK and cataract surgeries
Excellent post-operative care
Improved visual acuity
Positive patient feedback

Eric W Coulter MD
235 E 8th Ave, Ste 3A, Anchorage, AK, 99501 (5.6 mi)
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