
Yelp Reviews

2 average Yelp Rating
Sam W.

The doctors seemed good, but to get to them you have to go through a series of rude, antagonistic and sometimes incompetent people. Read More

1 average Yelp Rating
Lance P.

I had lasik done a few years ago and was very pleased then I recently started seeing spots and poor vision in one eye. I went in for an exam which... Read More

Map of Idaho Eye Center

Surgeon Specialties

Laser Eye Surgery/Lasik

Nearby Cities

Pocatello Idaho Falls Logan

Nearby Providers

2025 E 17th St, Idaho Falls, ID, 83404 (46 mi)
Custom Lasik, Monovision, PRK, RLE, ICL, Cross-linking, Intacs, Lifestyle
Patients are talking about:
High success rate
Experienced and professional staff
Latest surgical technology
Improved vision
Occasional administrative issues
810 S 100 W, Ste A, Logan, UT, 84321 (87 mi)
Custom Lasik, PRK, RLE, ICL, Cross-linking
Patients are talking about:
Dramatic vision improvement
State-of-the-art technology
Person-centered approach
Prompt and effective post-operative care
Life-changing surgeries

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