Eye Conditions
Dilated Pupils: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Dilated pupils are pupils that are larger than normal. Dilation is not a natural state for your eyes, and it usually happens because of eye drops given prior to an eye examination. Pupils will also dilate, or grow large, under poorly lit conditions. But pupils can also dilate because of a trauma or injury, particularly […]
Eye Floaters: What Are They, Causes, and Treatment
Everyone has experienced something that floats across their field of vision, at some point in their lives, even though in reality the object doesn’t exist. Shapes appear when staring at a blank wall or the sky. Even attempting to shake your head to clear your vision, the floaters don’t disappear. When you move your eyes, […]
Bumps Under the Eyes (Milia, Styes, Chalazion): Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Should you panic if you notice bumps below your eyes? In most cases, these lumps and bumps are benign skin problems that will go away with a bit of self-care. But some below-the-eye skin changes can indicate a serious condition that requires a doctor’s help. Here’s what you need to know about three common causes […]
Eye Stye (Sty): What Is it? Causes & Treatment
A stye is a red, tender lump that forms around the edge of your eyelid. While sties result from bacterial infections of the oil-secreting glands in the eyelids, you can develop this condition even with optimum eye care. Anyone can develop a stye, making it a relatively common condition. Typically, they occur on the outer […]
Medications for Dry Eye: In-Office & At-Home Treatments
Similar to evaluating other ocular surface diseases, diagnosing and treating a dry eye condition can be tricky. Most patients with dry eyes usually require a combination of therapies, including lifestyle modification and prescription medications, to achieve long-lasting relief. Over-the-counter treatments such as artificial tears and eye wipes are the most common modality of relieving dry […]
Petechiae: Causes, Treatment & When to See a Doctor
Petechiae are tiny red spots, usually less than 2 mm, that form on the skin and membranes lining body surfaces like the mouth and eyes. The non-blanching rashes have multiple causes, making them common among different age groups. While most cases are mild, you might need to see a doctor promptly as petechiae can be […]
Narrow-Angle Glaucoma: Signs, Causes, and Treatment
Narrow-angle glaucoma occurs when the drainage angle, a structure that allows the fluid within your eye to drain normally, becomes blocked. It can happen quickly or slowly and progressively. A comprehensive eye exam can detect it. Doctors diagnose the condition primarily through gonioscopy, but they can also use ultrasound biomicroscopy and anterior segment optical coherence […]
Refractive Errors: Types, Signs, Causes, and Treatment
Refractive errors are disorders that affect the way your eyes bend light. They cause certain objects to appear blurry. These disorders are very common and are caused by abnormalities in the shape of the eye. You can either be born with refractive errors or develop them later in life. An eye doctor can diagnose a […]
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a transparent membrane that forms a lining in the eyelid and covers the white part of the eyeball. Inflammation causes the affected eye to appear reddish or pink. Viral conjunctivitis is the most common cause of conjunctivitis, an inflammation in the membrane that […]
What is Ptosis? (Droopy Eyelid) Causes and Treatment
Ptosis is an abnormal but painless eye condition in which the upper eyelid droops, potentially obstructing your vision. It is also known as blepharoptosis. It’s caused when the muscles that hold the upper eyelids (levator palpebrae) cannot contract, causing droopiness. In most cases, ptosis disorders are harmless and you will hardly notice it when affected. […]
What is Keratoconus? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
If you find yourself getting more than the usual number of eyeglass prescriptions or your eyes are occasionally light sensitive, then it’s time to have a conversation with your vision specialist because there is an outside chance you have a very unusual but fixable problem. Keratoconus is a progressive condition that hinders vision by thinning […]
Chalazion: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & More
If you have ever thought you had a stye on your eyelid, but weren’t quite sure, it might be because you had an unwanted relative of that annoying little bump called a chalazion. A chalazion occurs when something blocks one of the glands in the eyelids responsible for secreting the oily substance that the body […]