
Color Blind Testing: Types of Tests and Where to Take Them
Online tests now make it possible to screen for color blindness from the comfort of your home. But any finding of a color vision deficiency needs to be confirmed by other tests such as Ishihara color plate, anomalscopy and other tests in a doctor’s office. In most cases, color blindness is a hereditary disorder, one […]

How to Improve Your Eyesight
Most adults start having eyesight issues at the age of 40, and they particularly come into play when reading or looking at computer screens. Presbyopia, or poor vision of nearby objects, is one of the most common eyesight challenges. Wearing prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses can help improve eyesight, as can getting regular eye checkups […]

Eyesight Tests & Exams: Online vs In-office, When to Get Them, and More
Eyesight tests are a series of standard examinations that eye specialists conduct to check for diseases, disorders and routine problems that need to be corrected. Common issues that tests can detect include: Presbyopia Myopia Glaucoma Diabetic retinopathy Astigmatism Amblyopia The National Eye Institute Recommends having a dilated eye exam annually starting at the age of […]