
Jitander S Dudee MD

181 Prosperous Pl, Lexington, KY, 40509
35 years practicing
Map of Jitander S Dudee MD

About Jitander S Dudee MD


  • Ophthalmology Group Practice
  • Multispecialty Group Practice


  • MD - Cambridge Univ 1989


  • Washington Hosp Med Ctr-DC 1991 - 1994


  • Royal College of Ophthalmologists 1990 - 1991

Board Certification

  • American Board Ophthalmology 1997
  • American Board Ophthalmology 2018
  • American Board Ophthalmology 2008
  • Royal College Ophthalmologists 1998
  • General Medical Council 1989
  • Prior to 1992, ABO re-certification was not required.

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